Impact Tribe Night

This Fall, we are turning up the competition for the Duckie Trophy with Tribe Nights! What’s Tribe Night you ask?

Picture this: You and your tribe that you were placed in at our Moving Up Luau will compete during two Wednesday nights dedicated to fun, challenging games to win points for your Tribe. Don't worry if you don't remember your Tribe or haven't been placed in one yet. Talk to Pastor Andrew, and he will help you. Do you have what it takes to dominate at Tribe Night? Come and find out!!

How do you win?

Simple! Collect those precious points throughout the year. Show up on Sundays and Wednesdays, bring your friends to church (or Impact - you know the drill), and oh yeah, let your Christ-like awesomeness shine through! Nearly everything you can think of can raise points for your tribe, even dressing up as a Turkey at Friendsgiving. The tribe with the most points after our Christmas Party will earn the right to the Duckie Trophy.

Andy Todd

Youth House

Date / Time